Bidra® Conversion Smart Polishing Cap (4-pack)

Bidra® Conversion Smart Polishing Cap (4-pack)

  • For full arch implant conversions
  • External rough areas attract bacteria and may lead to soft tissue inflammation and bone loss around the implants.  Existing polishing caps only protect the inside of the coping, not the outside!
  • With an extended metal rim, the Bidra Conversion Smart Polishing Cap fully protects both the inside and outside of the metal coping, preventing damage to the coping during pickup, trimming, polishing and finishing the prosthesis

Read The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Article featuring the Bidra Conversion Caps here.

SKU: 9003704-4Categories: Tools and Accessories


  • Quantity: 1

Bidra® Conversion Smart Polishing Cap (4-pack)