Preat will be closing mid-day on Friday March 7th. All orders placed after 11AM PT on 3/7 will be processed with the following business day’s production on March 10th

Zimmer® TSV-compatible 4.5mm Esthetic Abutment
Zimmer® TSV-compatible 4.5mm Esthetic Abutment
Zimmer® TSV-compatible 4.5mm Esthetic Abutment
Zimmer® TSV-compatible 4.5mm Esthetic Abutment
Zimmer® TSV-compatible 4.5mm Esthetic Abutment
Zimmer® TSV-compatible 4.5mm Esthetic Abutment
Zimmer® TSV-compatible 4.5mm Esthetic Abutment
Zimmer® TSV-compatible 4.5mm Esthetic Abutment

Zimmer® TSV-compatible 4.5mm Esthetic Abutment 15° Angle, Posterior

Select: 15° / Posterior

SKU: Categories: Implant Prosthetics

  • select: 15° / Posterior

  • Quantity: 1

Unlike the circular emergence profile of standard stock abutments, esthetic abutments are manufactured with a tapered emergence profile for more natural-looking contouring of the soft tissue at the implant site. Esthetic abutments are indicated for single- and multiple-tooth cement-retained restorations. Contraindications
  • Wall thickness less than 0.5 mm
  • Gingival margin diameter less than 0.5 mm wider than the implant
  • Less than 0.5 mm margin height
  • Less than 4.0 mm abutment height
  • Small diameter implants and angled abutments are not recommended for use in the posterior region of the mouth