A popular spring loaded plunger attachment that provides resilient movement for abutment protection without requiring an abutment crown. The IC attachment requires a 180 degree reciprocal lingual arm if free end. Universal
Male: 5.2mm length, 2mm Ø, 1mm nose
Universal Female: 2mm Ø, 0.8mm deep
Prior to taking the impression for the master model, adapt a small amount of impression material into the female (alginate is not recommended). Wipe off any excess material before seating the impression tray. This will ensure an accurate reproduction of the female in the model. The same technique should be followed when making the refractory model.
The IC Attachment eliminates facial clasps. Retention is provided by the attachment. However, in free-end saddle situations, the abutment tooth must have a 180º reciprocal action (non-retentive) lingual clasp.
Caution: One of the three illustrated basic designs is necessary to maintain the proper position of the plunger.
Do not solder the male to the partial denture framework. The male should be retained and supported in the partial denture by resin only. However, the framework can be waxed to include struts or loops around the male. The area behind and immediately gingival to the male should be kept free from the framework. This will allow access for adjustments or repairs at a future time.
If the framework design shown is desired, the following procedure is recommended:
Option using plastic housing–lute the plunger to the plastic housing. Remove the plunger and cast the framework with plastic housing.
Cold cure the plunger into the prosthesis using the cast housing.
If the struts and loops are not to be fabricated, the following procedure is recommended: